The Dutch and Soccer in Australia
A migrant story
Clogball is the result of meticulous research...Muyt has done justice to the Dutch involvement in, and influence on, football in Australia...
This book is a must-read for people interested in football history.
Walter Pless,
On Association Football Blog
September 2023
It is another marvellous story told with a light touch that only just disguises the deep and extensive research on which it is based.
Roy Hay,
Footy Almanac,
July 2023
Maroon and Blue
It's a wonderful portrait of a great club and the remarkable people, players and supporters who made it so. Even literate Collingwood supporters will enjoy it.
Peter Temple
Melbourne Age 2006
Adam Muyt is the author of three books and numerous articles and papers on various topics ranging from sports history and culture, aspects of Dutch-Australian culture and heritage, ecological management, environmental history and weeds.
Clogball – the Dutch and Soccer in Australia is his latest book, the result of eight years research across Australia.
Born in Sydney and now residing in Tasmania, like so many Australians, Adam has a mixed migrant heritage: Dutch on his father’s side, Irish and English on his mother’s side.
When not writing and enjoying the Tasmanian landscape and lifestyle, he works professionally in invasive species management.
Pic: Adam with Tony Noy, Ringwood Wilhelmina Life Member at the Melbourne Launch of Clogball July 2023
Get in Touch
Muyt Publishing
P.O. Box 642
Moonah Tasmania
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